"Estos dos grandes descubrimientos: la concepción materialista de la historia y la revelación del secreto de la producción capitalista, mediante la plusvalía, se los debemos a Marx. Gracias a ellos, el socialismo se convierte en una ciencia, que sólo nos queda por desarrollar en todos sus detalles y concatenaciones." Federico Engels, Del Socialismo Utópico al Socialismo Científico.


Max Beer, nota biográfica

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Max Beer (1864 - 1943) was an Austrian-German Marxist historian.

Beer was born in Galicia, Austria-Hungary, and came to Germany in 1889 where he became editor of a Socialist paper. He moved to Great Britain in 1894 and lived there for many years. Beer wrote books on the history of the socialist movement and later moved to the Soviet Union where he worked at the Marx-Engels-Institute in Moscow. Between 1929 and 1933, Beer was active in the German Communist Party where he lived and worked in Frankfurt am Main. When the Nazis took power in Germany in 1933, Beer fled to London where he later died.

There is a street in the Mitte district of Berlin named after Beer.

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